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Next round begins May 6th!

Liz GPT is the perfect option for anyone who needs a GREAT program to take the thinking out when it's time to train. The emphasis is on strength training and improving your skills and output over the 6 weeks training block (and beyond.) This means repetition and consistency, not random new workouts throughout the training block. If you are ready to get better and be serious about your results, this is a great place to start with Coach Liz.



strength training workout subscription, strength training and cardio protocol

4 days of strength training for a 6 week training block

Messaging with Coach Liz

Video Library


After purchase, expect an email to sign up for the app "Kahunas" within 24 hours. Please use correct email address and make sure there are no typos to ensure you receive your app invite!

Liz GPT 4 day split

  • This programming is intended for those without special needs/considerations to their workout programming. If you are unsure of whether or not this program is right for you, please reach out using the message feature or email Liz at

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